Call For PapersYou can get the pdf version of this call here. Objectives. The 4th International Workshop on Advanced Information Systems for Enterprises (IWAISE'16) explores trends in the development of advanced information systems for enterprises and investigates various research issues of this domain. This 4th edition especially focuses on trends and advances for information systems in relation with big data, cloud computing, agile development methods, and interoperability. We also welcome contributions on other research topics and on industrial experiments related to the advancement of information systems. The list of suggested topics is presented below. The engineering of information systems in organizations and companies becomes an emerg- ing domain that encompasses multi-disciplinary topics, such as the modeling of business pro- cesses and the development of enterprise ontologies and architectures. Furthermore, the field of information systems is changing fundamentally through the technologies of information and communication. The use of standards continues to transform rapidly how business activities are conducted around the world. This has led to a development of new models, new software systems, and a redefinition of the relations between companies and processes. This workshop aims to bring together researchers, developers and enterprise communities to share their experiences and to discuss research issues in developing and deploying advanced information systems for enterprises. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
The language of the workshop is English. Submitted papers as well as presentations during the workshop must be in English. Submission. The program committee invites authors to submit full papers. Papers should clearly describe the nature of the work, explain its significance, highlight its novel features, and state its current status. Authors of selected papers will be requested to prepare a manuscript for the workshop proceedings. Paper length should not exceed 7 pages in the standard IEEE format. Submission instructions as well as templates can be found in the IWAISE web site. You must submit your paper via the easychair conference system. Deadlines. The deadline for submission is on |